Posted By : Admin | Published at : October 9, 2020

Outline the Current Assessment Procedure for a Child with Autism: Special Needs Assistant Assignment, OU

Assignment Questions: q1. Outline the current assessment procedure for a child with autism? q2. Discuss in detail 5 members of the multidisciplinary team who would be involved in the creation of an individual education plan? q3. Create a visual learning timetable based on one of the child’s learning needs (handwashing) Stuck in Completing this Assignment… Continue reading Outline the Current Assessment Procedure for a Child with Autism: Special Needs Assistant Assignment, OU

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Posted By : Admin | Published at : October 9, 2020

Discuss the Impact the COVID 19 Pandemic and Cocooning has had on the Ageing Population: Ageing Studies Essay, OU

Learning Outcomes: L01: Comprehend the importance of independence, self-determination, and purposeful activity in the lives of clients who are older. L02: Advocate for the social model of care in Elderly Care Services L03: Evaluate the theories of Ageing L04: Explore interventions and best practice principles when working with the elderly Get Solution of this Assessment.… Continue reading Discuss the Impact the COVID 19 Pandemic and Cocooning has had on the Ageing Population: Ageing Studies Essay, OU

Posted By : Admin | Published at : October 7, 2020

6S3372: ‘Internet Innovations’ is a Successful Company Providing Internet Service: Train the Trainer Assignment, OU

Case Study Training needs assessment (TNA): ‘Internet innovations’ is a successful company providing Internet service and support to its many thousands of customers. There are several hundred employees working in its main branch. There are 25 supervisors employed in the call center which manage customer inquiries, customer support, and complaints. In keeping with company policy,… Continue reading 6S3372: ‘Internet Innovations’ is a Successful Company Providing Internet Service: Train the Trainer Assignment, OU

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Posted By : Admin | Published at : October 7, 2020

5N0758: You are Required to Complete a Practical Activity with a Group of Clients: Care Support Assignment, OU

Learning Outcomes: SLO 3: Demonstrate the ability to plan and provide enhanced quality care. SLO 4: Apply knowledge gained to plan and meet the needs of the individual client. Guidelines: You are required to complete a practical activity with a group of clients (or one client with high dependency or particular individual needs) to enhance… Continue reading 5N0758: You are Required to Complete a Practical Activity with a Group of Clients: Care Support Assignment, OU

Posted By : Admin | Published at : October 7, 2020

You are Required to Carry Out an Investigation of Foods Using Appropriate Research Methods: Nutrition Assignment, OU

Project 1: Nutritional Content of Foods You are required to carry out an investigation of foods using appropriate research methods, analyse the results, and present conclusions and recommendations. Are You Searching Answer of this Question? Request Ireland Writers to Write a plagiarism Free Copy for You. Get A Free Quote You should submit a report… Continue reading You are Required to Carry Out an Investigation of Foods Using Appropriate Research Methods: Nutrition Assignment, OU

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Posted By : Admin | Published at : October 6, 2020

5N2396: You have been Assigned as a Key Worker to James Who is 4 years Old: Children with Additional Needs Assignment, OU

Project one Part one Outline of Special Needs Provision in Ireland Include: The role of religious orders in the care and education of children with special needs. Institutional care First inspectorate for special education (1959) Development of special schools Development of special classes in mainstream schools Part two Outline, compare, and contrast The Medical Model… Continue reading 5N2396: You have been Assigned as a Key Worker to James Who is 4 years Old: Children with Additional Needs Assignment, OU

Posted By : Admin | Published at : October 1, 2020

Your Development as a Trainer Which Should Demonstrate Your Ability to Apply a Wide Variety: Train the Trainer Personal Reflection, OU

A. Your development as a trainer which should demonstrate your ability to apply a wide variety of the knowledge and skills learned throughout the course. ln, this section you should review and discuss the many topics that were taught on the course – some will have more meaning for your work in the future than… Continue reading Your Development as a Trainer Which Should Demonstrate Your Ability to Apply a Wide Variety: Train the Trainer Personal Reflection, OU

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Posted By : Admin | Published at : September 24, 2020

5N0758: You are Required to Conduct a Resident/Client Observation: Care Support Assignment, OU

Part A: Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner: You are required to conduct a resident/client observation. For the purpose of this task, you are required to observe the residents separately and write an observational report using a topic from the list below. Social isolation/withdrawal Emotional upset Communication difficulties Memory loss Physical disability. Observe the… Continue reading 5N0758: You are Required to Conduct a Resident/Client Observation: Care Support Assignment, OU

Posted By : Admin | Published at : September 23, 2020

6N1973: Outline in Detail the Role of a Supervisor/Team Leader: Supervision in Early Childhood Care Assignment, OU

Section 1 Task 1- Role of Supervisor, Supervisor Skills and Personal Qualities Instructions: Outline in detail the role of a supervisor/team leader Outline 10 qualities and skills of a supervisor. Reflect on 5 qualities and skills you have that would make you an effective supervisor and give clear examples of using these skills in an… Continue reading 6N1973: Outline in Detail the Role of a Supervisor/Team Leader: Supervision in Early Childhood Care Assignment, OU

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Posted By : Admin | Published at : September 23, 2020

5N2770: Chose a Client in Your Care Setting with Physical Impairment e.g. Stroke or Arthritis: Care Skills Assignment, OU

Assignment Brief: Chose a client in your Care Setting with Physical Impairment e.g. Stroke or Arthritis etc. Needs of the Client Write a short history of the client pre-entry to Care Setting Give a short history of present Condition / Diagnosis List their needs from the activities of daily living Outline the physical, emotional, social,… Continue reading 5N2770: Chose a Client in Your Care Setting with Physical Impairment e.g. Stroke or Arthritis: Care Skills Assignment, OU

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