Posted By : Admin | Published at : June 3, 2021

5N3734: Discuss The Chain Of Infection Discussing How We Can Break This Chain: Infection Prevention & Control Assignment, OU, Ireland

1.  Identify your chosen Infection providing background information on the same 2. Discuss the chain of infection discussing how we can break this chain 3. Discuss the routes of all infections identifying which are the routes of your chosen Infection 4. Identify the role of the Infection Control team in prevention & Control of Infection… Continue reading 5N3734: Discuss The Chain Of Infection Discussing How We Can Break This Chain: Infection Prevention & Control Assignment, OU, Ireland

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Posted By : Admin | Published at : June 2, 2021

5N1786: A Key Role Of The SNA Is To Assist Children With Their Self-Care Needs: Special Needs Assisting Assignment, OU, Ireland

1. Relating Skills A key role of the SNA is to assist children with their self-care needs and communication difficulties. To relate effectively and appropriately to children who present with these needs, the SNA must have a good understanding of the child’s condition. a) Drawing on your placement experience, present a case study of a… Continue reading 5N1786: A Key Role Of The SNA Is To Assist Children With Their Self-Care Needs: Special Needs Assisting Assignment, OU, Ireland

Posted By : Admin | Published at : June 2, 2021

5N1770: Discuss The Importance Of Self-Awareness And Effective Interpersonal Skills: Early Care and Education Practice Assignment, OU, Ireland

Guideline 1: (i) Discuss the importance of self-awareness and effective interpersonal skills in the Early Childhood Care and Education sector. (ii) Identify two of your strengths and two areas for development in relation to self-awareness and interpersonal skills. Additional Tutorial Note: (i) Discussion can include reference to personal experience/situation, teamwork, and interaction with families/carers. (ii)… Continue reading 5N1770: Discuss The Importance Of Self-Awareness And Effective Interpersonal Skills: Early Care and Education Practice Assignment, OU, Ireland

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Posted By : Admin | Published at : May 25, 2021

Available Positions/Career Opportunities In The Childcare Sector: Work Experience Assignment, OU, Ireland

TASK 1 Research the following areas and provide a summary of your findings: a. Available positions/career opportunities in the childcare sector b. The rights and responsibilities of employees and employers including health, safety and welfare at work, equality legislation, union representation and regulations relating to pay and confidentiality. TASK 2 Devise a job description for… Continue reading Available Positions/Career Opportunities In The Childcare Sector: Work Experience Assignment, OU, Ireland

Posted By : Admin | Published at : May 20, 2021

6N2023: Identify Two Needs Currently Being Met In Rachel’s Life: Child Psychology Essay, OU, Ireland

Case Study: Rachel Rachel is now three years old. She lived with her mother and father until she was two and a half years old. Then her parents separated, and her father moved out. Rachel was their first and only child. Her mother suffered from post-natal depression, and so was largely unresponsive to Rachel’s cries… Continue reading 6N2023: Identify Two Needs Currently Being Met In Rachel’s Life: Child Psychology Essay, OU, Ireland

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Posted By : Admin | Published at : May 17, 2021

5N2770: Assisting A Client With A Meal Or Feeding A Client A Meal: Care Skills Report, OU, Ireland

You are required to write three reports on the following skills/tasks. In the reports, you are required to illustrate good client care practice that you will implement in future practices. In each of the reports you need to illustrate understanding and knowledge of your role in promoting safe practices, client independence and dignity during care… Continue reading 5N2770: Assisting A Client With A Meal Or Feeding A Client A Meal: Care Skills Report, OU, Ireland

Posted By : Admin | Published at : April 30, 2021

5N1390 Personal Effectiveness Assignment, OU, Ireland

Guidelines: A Collection of Workpiece will be devised by each candidate which is based on an Organisational Profile (please nominate your organization). Please include all of the following: Task 1: The Departments of the Organisation a. Introduction: provide a brief description of the organization you have chosen for your assignment and outline the reasons for… Continue reading 5N1390 Personal Effectiveness Assignment, OU, Ireland

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Posted By : Admin | Published at : April 29, 2021

5N1765: Legislative Requirements: Provide An Overview Of The Legislation Governing An Early Years Setting With Consideration: Child Health & Well Being Assignment, OU, Ireland

Guidelines: Using sources of information relevant to this module you are required to complete a project titled: ‘Child protection and the health and safety requirements for children in an Early Years setting in Ireland today’ You may present your Project using the following headings: 1. Introduction: Aim, Objective, and Rationale 2. Legislative Requirements: Provide an… Continue reading 5N1765: Legislative Requirements: Provide An Overview Of The Legislation Governing An Early Years Setting With Consideration: Child Health & Well Being Assignment, OU, Ireland

Posted By : Admin | Published at : April 21, 2021

5N1794: Details Of The Organisation And Chosen Room/Area On Which The Safety Audit Will Be Conducted: Safety And Health At Work Assignment, OU, Ireland

1. Introduction  Provide a brief introduction for the reader which addresses each of the following points: a) The aims/objectives of the assignment. b) Details of the organization and chosen room/area on which the Safety Audit will be conducted. c)  Identify the factors which contribute to a safe and healthy working environment. d) Outline how Health… Continue reading 5N1794: Details Of The Organisation And Chosen Room/Area On Which The Safety Audit Will Be Conducted: Safety And Health At Work Assignment, OU, Ireland

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Posted By : Admin | Published at : April 20, 2021

5N1773: You Are Required To Provide An Evaluation Of Four Books Suitable For Young Children: Early Childhood Education & Play Assignment, OU, Ireland

Guidelines: 1. You are required to provide an evaluation of four books suitable for young children in the ECEC Environment. Your written evaluation should include the following: a) Clear rationale for the books you have chosen. b) A suitable technique chosen relating to the age, interests, and stage of development of the child/children. (Examples of… Continue reading 5N1773: You Are Required To Provide An Evaluation Of Four Books Suitable For Young Children: Early Childhood Education & Play Assignment, OU, Ireland

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