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5N1773: You Are Required To Provide An Evaluation Of Four Books Suitable For Young Children: Early Childhood Education & Play Assignment, OU, Ireland

University The Open University (OU)
Subject 5N1773: Early Childhood Education & Play

1. You are required to provide an evaluation of four books suitable for young children in the ECEC Environment. Your written evaluation should include the following:
a) Clear rationale for the books you have chosen.
b) A suitable technique chosen relating to the age, interests, and stage of
development of the child/children. (Examples of techniques; reading, poetry,
rhymes, etc.)
c) Suggested sessions accompany your chosen book to include relevant visual aids.
d) Detailed evaluation, including your own role in the activity.
e) Conclusion and recommendation.

2. Select one of the books and complete a storytelling session for a child/group of children. Learners must submit a recording of their completed storytelling session to the college.

Assessment Grading Criteria
Title: Book (1) Review

1. Suitable technique is chosen which relates to the age/interests/
Development of the child/children

2. Clear rationale for the book chosen

3. Session presented in an interesting and clear manner and relevant
Visual aids used

4. Detailed evaluation including own role in the activity

5. Clear conclusions and recommendations made

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Title: Book (2) Review

1. Suitable technique chosen which relates to the age/interests/
Development of the child/children

2. Clear rationale for the book chosen

3. Session presented in an interesting and clear manner and relevant
Visual aids used

4. Detailed evaluation including own role in the activity

5. Clear conclusions and recommendations made

Title: Book (3) Review

1. Suitable technique chosen which relates to the age/interests/
Development of the child/children

2. Clear rationale for the book chosen

3. Session presented in an interesting and clear manner and relevant
Visual aids used

4. Detailed evaluation including own role in the activity

5. Clear conclusions and recommendations made

Title: Book (4) Review

1. Suitable technique is chosen which relates to the age/interests/
Development of the child/children

2. Clear rationale for the book chosen

3. Session presented in an interesting and clear manner and relevant
Visual aids used

4. Detailed evaluation including own role in the activity

5. Clear conclusions and recommendations made

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