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5N1765: Legislative Requirements: Provide An Overview Of The Legislation Governing An Early Years Setting With Consideration: Child Health & Well Being Assignment, OU, Ireland

University The Open University (OU)
Subject 5N1765: Child Health And Wellbeing


Using sources of information relevant to this module you are required to complete a project titled:

‘Child protection and the health and safety requirements for children in an Early Years setting in Ireland today’

You may present your Project using the following headings:

1. Introduction: Aim, Objective, and Rationale

2. Legislative Requirements: Provide an overview of the legislation governing an Early Years setting with consideration to each of the following:

a) The Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016

b) The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

c) Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005

d) Children First (2015)

e) Tusla’s Quality Regulatory Framework, Aistear and Siolta.

3. Children`s health and safety: Describe a range of common childhood illnesses. Explain how the spread of infection can be controlled in an early years’ setting. State which policies and procedures you would adhere to.

4. Outline the role of childcare practitioners in protecting children from abuse.

5. Indoor and Outdoor Safety: With consideration to the child’s daily routine, discuss the importance of inclusion and the child’s right to have a say in all matters that affect them. Outline how this could be implemented in their daily routines, with reference to child health and safety.

6. Nutrition: Explain what is meant by a balanced diet using the Food Pyramid as a reference. Outline and explain what is meant by a healthy eating policy (Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Pre-School Services (DoHC 2004).

7. Wellbeing: Explain how play, relationships and the implementation of Article 12 (UNCRC) influences a child’s wellbeing.

8. Evaluation: Discuss what you have learned from the Project.

9. Conclusion and Recommendations: Make at least three recommendations. Provide suggestions to promote children`s protection, health, hygiene, and nutrition in the Early Years setting.

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