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Paulo Freire Theory of Education Essay Sample Ireland

This essay discusses Paulo Freire. It discusses Paulo’s much-acclaimed work of art and it is “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. Besides, readers can also get Paulo’s opinion about education and power in society.

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Paulo was born and brought up in Brazil. The then Brazilian society was much oppressed. There used to be poverty. Paulo remained witness to the great depression. In his early years, Paulo worked with the poor youth of Brazil. According to Paulo education is aimed at humanization as also linearization.

Who is Paulo Freire?

Before discussing Paulo Freire’s theory of education in this essay it is important to know who Paulo Freire is. Paulo was born and brought up in Brazil in a middle-class family. Paulo remained a witness to the Great Depression that happened on the American continent.

Initially, Paulo’s family was very poor. Paulo completed his schooling and after that, the financial condition of Paulo’s family altered. Paulo later took to university and then he graduated and became a teacher. According to Paulo traditional pedagogy was very dehumanizing and oppressive. Therefore, he focused on developing a pedagogy that can liberate individuals through “conscientization”.

In the 1960s Paulo led a huge education movement within Brazil and it aimed to tackle illiteracy within Brazil in those days. By the end of 1964 Paulo is a much-talked-about person, his methods became popular and there were courses for the Brazilian coordinators in all the states of the country.

The courses are meant for the 2 million-odd illiterates that are there in the country. However, in the year 1964 Paulo was imprisoned as the new government felt that Paulo can be a threat (politically) to them. After his release, Paulo went into exile and was not able to return to Brazil until 1979.

Critical Pedagogy 

Paulo argued that using the traditional methods of education the students were dehumanized in Brazil. Several procedures were part of the Brazilian system of education which Paulo vehemently opposed.

According to Paulo education must be a democratic process, it must be a dialogical process. This is because the action of knowing the world is a characteristic of all free human beings.

Paulo felt that in society there are two types of people, one who is all-powerful and the other is powerless or oppressed. He was very much opposed to siding with the powerful.

Paulo believed that it is with the aid of proper education that the oppressed will get the much-required critical consciousness and will get liberated. Paulo very much wanted the learners to be able to read to end illiteracy. Paulo wanted that people can analyze various social as well as political situations that affect the lives of the individuals living within a society.

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Education for freedom

Paulo Freire believed that with the aid of proper education youth can become liberated and they can attain freedom from poverty and oppression in Brazilian society. Freire proposed a method of “conscientization”. In this method there are cultural centers and each such center is made up of learners and teachers.

These learners and teachers engage in discussions and from such discussions they learn from each other. Freire also worked with illiterate peasants. Paulo introduced the concept of “conscientization” while dealing with the peasants. Concerns and problems are identified and then solutions are sought as part of group discussions.

Often codifications are used for the sake of effective communication. In this context, codifications are referred to as drawings, photographs, words, and poems. These are considered very effective in communicating with others as part of “conscientization”.

How to deal with inequality in power in society?

This essay it’s discussed in brief the steps that Paulo took in his time to cope with the inequality in power in society. According to Paulo, the notions of society are of those who have power over them.

Paulo argues that the teachers and educators within a society must acknowledge the political role of academics and he also emphasized how education leads to the emergence of dominant ideologies and interests.

According to Paulo educators also play the role of a politician and whenever they do that then they contribute to human liberation from the clutches of poverty and oppression. According to Freire education has to develop conscious and humanized learners who cannot just liberate themselves but can also liberate the world from injustices.

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