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Literary Criticism of the Poet Torquato Tasso Essay Ireland

This essay features the criticism of the poet Torquato Tasso in terms of literary context. The poet in context is known for his work “Jerusalem Delivered”. The poem was finished in the year 1575. It was revised into a longer version by the poet and titled “Jerusalem Conquered”.

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During the revision process, the poet wrote a lengthy treatise that justified his poem. The poet has written multiple critical texts. The critical treatise that Tasso wrote in the year 1594 was a revision and amplification of the critical text that he wrote in the year 1587.

This essay discusses the early life of Tasso, the ordeals that he had been through in his early life and it also discusses his works as a poet. This essay does literary criticism of the poet Torquato Tasso.

Facts about the Life of Tasso

Tasso was born in Italy (Sorrento). He spent a few years of his life in the court located in Ferrara. During those days Tasso’s conduct was bad and that forced the Duke named Alphonso II to imprison Tasso on grounds of madness.

In 1586 Tasso was released and since then the poet wandered from one court to another and eventually died in the Italian capital of Rome.

Why Tasso’s work is important?

Tasso was a poet in medieval Italy. Besides, Tasso authored several treatises and discourses on his poetic works. In those days entire Europe was witnessing a renaissance.

During such times, Tasso’s work proved to be extremely influential as it impacted the then renaissance and various literary theories in medieval Europe (France, Italy, and England).

Characteristics of Tasso’s work

Poet Tasso was known for several poetic works. He was known for more than one treatise. During those times Tasso was very much influenced by the works of other great poets. He understood the importance of poetry in conveying useful messages to society.

Tasso as a poet also used to make compositions to entertain the readers of his works. Tasso had written his poems keeping in view the needs for contemporary churches and other religious and philosophical institutions.

It is appropriate to say that Tasso was someone who adapted and also extended the insights of Aristotle to compose heroic poems. Tasso was also very much active to justify his literary works by authoring treatises on his poems.

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Literary criticism of Tasso’s works

Tasso in his literary works attempted to define poetry. He made important suggestions that various poetry species like epic, comedy, song, and tragedy are all forms of imitations concerning verses.

According to Tasso poetry was known to imitate human actions. He emphasized that poetry deals with thoughts and moral habits. Tasso believed that poetry should be written with an objective.

According to the poet works of poetry should be done with the intent of either pleasure or utility. Tasso’s notion about an ideal poet is that such a person utilizes his art to delight others without making any profits.

According to the poet, poetry and philosophy are very much interrelated. He considers that poetry and philosophy differ from each other in the manner of considering things. He stresses that poetry tries to reveal beauty by representation and narration.

Tasso also says that one can obtain the content of a poem from historical sources. The same person can invent the content for the poem.

However, according to the poet, it is better to take the content from historical sources as in that situation the content is mostly based on historical facts. The poet in context is known to associate poetry with mystical theologian instead of scholastic theologian.

He said that the poet is a maker of images in the minds of the audience and he resembles a theologian and a dialectician instead of a sophist.

Other attributes of Tasso’s works

Tasso in his literary works reminds the audience about the important obligations of epic poems. Tasso’s poems are written to express the marvelous or being verisimilar.

In his literary works like treatises, Tasso furnished several examples where he featured that actions can be viewed as being marvelous and as being verisimilar.

In this context, it is pertinent to add that the actions of the God and various supernatural forces are considered marvelous when observed from a natural and human standpoint.

The same actions are considered verisimilar when observed from natural and human limitations. In his literary works, Tasso went on to discuss the relative merits of tragedy and epic. For the poet the epic poem always has importance.

For additional information about the literary criticism of Torquato Tasso visit relevant resources available on the web.

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