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PS4037 Cognition 1 Assignment Example UL Ireland

This module introduces you to the cognitive approach to psychology. It examines how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors interact in your everyday life. Cognitive Processes cover research domains including memory, attention, and perception as well as knowledge representation; reasoning and problem-solving abilities are also essential for this subject matter (balance). Students can expect an empirical examination through practical demonstrations with theoretical insights offered along the way too.

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In this course, there are many types of assignments given to students like group projects, individual assignments, continuous assessments, reports, business plans, business proposals, executive summaries, and other solutions given by us.

On successful completion of the module, the students will be able to:

Assignment Task 1: Explain some of the key features and theoretical perspectives of the cognitive approach:

Cognition is the mental process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Cognitive psychology is the study of how people process information and use knowledge to navigate their world. It examines memory, attention, perception (hearing), and problem-solving.

The cognitive approach was founded by Noam Chomsky who is known for his criticism of behaviorism; instead, he believed that we must understand human language to understand human cognition, or our capacity to think, learn, and remember. In cognitive psychology, there are many different perspectives from which we can study the mind. For example, the information processing approach has identified several stages that people go through during decision-making (normative).

The key features of the cognitive approach are:

  • Cognition refers to all the activities that we engage in as we go about understanding and interacting with the world around us. These activities include thinking, remembering, problem-solving, and talking.
  • The cognitive approach is based on the idea that people are active processors of the information who take in data from their environment, filter it through their existing knowledge and beliefs, and then decide how to act based on their interpretations.
  • Cognitive psychology is the study of mental processes such as thinking, learning, and remembering.
  • Behavior is determined b the interaction between a person’s thoughts, feelings, and abilities.

Assignment Task 2: Explain the role of cognitive processes in emotion, mental health, and human memory:


Cognitive processes are involved in emotion in two ways. First, cognitive processes are necessary for emotions to occur. For example, we need to be able to remember past experiences and understand what is happening in the present to feel fear or happiness. Second, cognitive processes can influence the intensity of emotions. For example, when we are worried about something, that worry can make us feel more afraid or anxious than we would if we didn’t think about the situation.

The role of cognitive processes in emotion is important because it helps us to understand how our thoughts and feelings interact to affect our behavior.

Mental Health

Cognitive processes play a role in both mental health and mental illness. In general, cognitive processes are necessary for us to think, learn, and remember. These skills allow us to function normally in our everyday lives. However, when cognitive processes are impaired, it can lead to problems with mental health. For example, someone with a mental illness may have difficulty thinking, learning new information, or remembering past experiences. This can make it difficult for them to function normally in their everyday life.

Cognitive processes also play a role in the treatment of mental illness. For example, cognitive therapy is a type of therapy that helps people to change the way they think about themselves and their situations. This can help to improve their mental health.

The role of cognitive processes in mental health is important because it helps us to understand how our thoughts and feelings interact to affect our behavior. It also helps us to understand how cognitive processes can be used to treat mental illness.

Human Memory

Cognitive processes play an important role in human memory. First, cognitive processes are necessary for encoding information into memory. For example, we need to be able to pay attention, categorize information, and encode meaning to learn new material. Second, cognitive processes may influence the quality of memories that we retrieve from our long-term memory. For example, when we are trying to recall a previous experience, our memory may be influenced by our expectations and beliefs.

Cognitive processes also play an important role in forgetting information from long-term memory. For example, forgetting memories of past experiences can help us to avoid thinking about unpleasant or traumatic information.

The role of cognitive processes in human memory is important because it helps us to understand how our thoughts and feelings interact to affect our behavior. It also helps us to understand how cognitive processes can be used to improve memory.

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Assignment Task 3: Develop an understanding of human cognitive processes concerning contemporary explanations for mental representations, memory, perception, and attentional processes:

Human cognitive processes involve the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of knowledge. To understand human cognition, we need to look at how people represent information mentally, how they remember that information, and how they use it to interact with their environment.

Cognitive psychologists have developed several theories to explain these processes. For example, the theory of propositional representation suggests that people represent information in terms of propositions (e.g., “The cat is on the mat”). The theory of memory traces suggests that memories are stored as networks of related ideas (or nodes) and that each time we remember something, we re-activate the associated ideas.

Perception refers to the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting information about our surroundings. Sometimes we perceive things accurately (e.g., when people observe a gorilla walking through their midst). But at other times, our perceptions may be influenced by our expectations or experiences (e.g., when people become convinced that they heard the jingle of a particular brand of car keys).

Attention can be divided into three categories: sensory, focused, and sustained. Sensory attention includes noticing changes in our environment (e.g., when someone hears an unexpected noise). Focused attention is concentrating on one thing to the exclusion of other things (e.g., when someone reads a book). Sustained attention is the ability to stay focused on something despite distractions (e.g., when someone plays a difficult game of chess).

Assignment Task 4: Appreciate biases inherent in human mental processing:

Human mental processes are not perfect. We all make mistakes because of biases in our thinking (i.e., ways that people regularly deviate from the ideal). For example, when we perceive something, we may focus on certain aspects while ignoring others; this is known as perceptual bias (e.g., when someone focuses on the number of errors made by a team member, rather than their successes).

We may also be biased in the way we remember things (e.g., when someone remembers an event differently depending on their current mood). And finally, we are often biased in the decisions we make (e.g., when someone makes a decision based on how they feel rather than what is objectively best for them).

Although cognitive psychology has provided us with several theories to explain human cognition, it is still an evolving field. Researchers are constantly developing new ways to measure and study mental processes, in an effort to build a more complete understanding of human cognition. In the years to come, we can expect to see even more advances in our understanding of the ways that memory storage and retrieval, attentional processes, and perceptual biases influence human thought.

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