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EF5180 Critically review the empirical evidence on the impact of colonization on economic geography using a case study: Economic Geography & GeoPolitics Essay, DCU, Ireland

University Dublin City University (DCU)
Subject EF5180 Economic Geography & GeoPolitics Essay

Chosen topic: 1)  Critically review the empirical evidence on the impact of colonization on economic geography using a case study

Research question: To what extent did British trade policies and practices contribute to the economic divergence of regions within India?

Daragh (Research question analysis and the motivation for research paper) : 

The impact of Britain’s colonization of India has indefinitely shaped how the country has been configured in regards to its economic activities. There is no denying that those countries who lag behind in terms of rapid economic growth, are those who have previously been colonized. Colonization is often seen as the control by one power over a dependent group of people (Blakemore, 2023). This research paper will focus on Britain’s economic ignorance, regarding their trade policies and excessive abuse of India raw materials, and the economic downfall of India’s regions.

The research question is one that focuses on the real impact of Britain’s deindustrialization of India and will examine the debate of whether this had a potentially positive or negative effect on the country. This research question will allow for the analysis of the East-India Company, direct British trade policies and protectionism against the local producers within regions across India. The trade policies of Britain in particular, will lay the groundwork for analyzing the historical process of colonization, will allow for the understanding of currently existing  policies in India and will generate a greater economical apprehension in a historical context regarding other colonized nations. The analysis of other colonized regions e.g. South America, will assist in creating a solid basis for interpreting India’s regional economic divergence.

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