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LAW30570 Contemporary Issues in Law and Politics Assignment Sample Ireland

There are many contemporary issues in law and politics that are worth discussing. Here are a few of the most pressing:

  1. The role of money in politics. There is a growing concern that moneyed interests have too much influence over the political process. This has led to calls for campaign finance reform and greater transparency in political fundraising.
  2. The increasing polarization of the political parties. Many observers believe that the two major parties are becoming more ideologically extreme, making it difficult for them to find common ground on key issues. This can make governing difficult and can lead to gridlock in legislatures.
  3. The challenges posed by terrorism and security threats. In an age of international terrorism, governments must strike a balance between protecting their citizens and upholding their civil liberties. This is a difficult task, and there is no easy solution.
  4. The impact of technology on the law. Technology is constantly evolving, and the law is struggling to keep up. Issues like cybercrime, data privacy, and intellectual property are just a few of the thorny legal questions that have arisen in the age of the internet.
  5. The legalization of marijuana. There is a growing movement to legalize marijuana, and many states are now considering whether to do so. This is a controversial issue, with supporters and opponents on both sides.

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Buy Assignment Sample Of LAW30570 Contemporary Issues in Law and Politics Unit

In this unit, there are many types of assignments given to students like individual assignments, group-based assignments, reports, case studies, final year projects, skills demonstrations, learner records, and other solutions given by us. We also provide Group Project Presentations for Irish students.

In this section, we are describing some tasks. These are:

Assignment Task 1: Be able to relate the specific legal topics examined to their political and social context.

Political context: The political context of a particular legal topic can be important in understanding and interpreting the law. For example, the laws regulating abortion are shaped by the political beliefs of those in power, as well as by public opinion.

Social context: The social context of a particular legal topic can also be important in understanding and interpreting the law. For example, laws that criminalize homosexual conduct are often interpreted differently in societies that accept homosexuality than in societies that do not.

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Assignment Task 2: Be able to analyze those elements of the law studied in terms of the influence of that context.

The law is a system of rules that are enforced through social institutions. It is important to study the law in terms of its context because the context can affect how the law is interpreted and enforced.

For example, in order to understand how the law applies to a particular situation, it is necessary to know something about the history of that situation and about the people involved. Additionally, it is necessary to consider the political and social environment in which the law is being applied.

All of these factors can influence how a particular rule is interpreted or enforced.

Assignment Task 3: Be able to describe how the role that lawyers play as politicians and other types of public servants is influenced by their particular professional formation and express well-grounded opinions as to the appropriate relationship between legal, political, and other types of argument, as they bear on questions of public policy.

Lawyers play a variety of roles in society, including politicians and public servants. Their professional formation can influence how they perform these roles.

For example, lawyers who are trained in the law are more likely to approach legal questions from a legal standpoint. They are also more likely to use legal arguments to make their case. This can be important in the context of public policy, where lawyers are often called on to provide legal advice to policymakers.

It is important for lawyers to be aware of the political and social context in which they are working. This can help them to better understand the law and how it applies to a particular situation. Additionally, it can help them to develop effective arguments for their clients.

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Assignment Task 4: Be able to analyze critically the role of the media, NGOs, members of the legal profession, and other groups who contribute to debates on public policy.

The ability to critically analyze the role of the media, NGOs, members of the legal profession, and other groups who contribute to debates on public policy is essential in order to make informed decisions about public policy. These groups often have different agendas and objectives, so it is important to be able to identify these biases and understand how they can impact the debate. Additionally, it is important to consider the evidence and arguments presented by each group in order to reach an informed conclusion about the issue at hand.

In order to critically analyze the role of the media, it is necessary to understand the different types of media and how they operate. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the biases that often exist in the media.

NGOs can play an important role in debates about public policy. They can provide valuable information and arguments, and they can also help to mobilize the public on certain issues.

Members of the legal profession can also play an important role in debates about public policy. They can provide legal advice to policymakers and they can also argue for or against certain policies.

Assignment Task 5: Identify some of the typical rhetorical strategies used in defending or attacking policy proposals or decisions by reference to supposedly objective legal criteria.

There are a number of rhetorical strategies that can be used when defending or attacking policy proposals or decisions. One common approach is to reference supposed objective legal criteria in order to bolster one’s argument. This can be effective in persuading others of the merits of a particular position, but it is important to be aware of potential counterarguments.

Another common strategy is to appeal to emotion, either by highlighting the potential positive outcomes of a policy or by emphasizing the negative consequences that could result from its implementation. Again, it is important to be aware of potential rebuttals when using this approach.

Another strategy is to frame the debate in terms of right and wrong. This can be a powerful way to persuade people, but it is important to remember that there are often multiple perspectives on an issue.

Finally, it is also common to use logical arguments in order to support one’s position. This can be effective in persuading others, but it is important to make sure that the argument is sound and that the premises are valid.

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Assignment Task 6: Be able to reflect and express a considered judgment on how well lawyers generally communicate an understanding of the law and the legal system to the wider community.

Lawyers generally communicate an understanding of the law and the legal system to the wider community. They help to ensure that people understand their rights under the law, and they play an important role in making sure that the government is held accountable.

Overall, lawyers generally do an excellent job of communicating complex legal concepts in a way that is accessible to the average person. However, there are always areas where they can improve. In particular, I think they could be more effective at highlighting how the law affects people’s everyday lives. By doing this, they would create a more informed and engaged population that is better equipped to demand change from their government.

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