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LA4033 Law of the European Union 1 Assignment Example UL Ireland

The aim of the module is to equip students with an understanding and knowledge of European Union (EU) law, from its origins in three original Community Treaty up until today. The course will examine how legislation has evolved over time through secondary sources such as regulations or directives. Students also learn about case law which can be used for reference by Courts when they interpret treaties; this includes reviewing all parts that make up your degree plan: primary source material like Treaties themselves on top-level issues related specifically to the law of the European Union.

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In this course, there are many types of assignments given to students like group projects, individual assignments, continuous assessments, reports, business plans, business proposals, executive summaries, and other solutions given by us.

On successful completion of the module students should be able to:

Make reasoned judgments and demonstrate a capacity for independent thinking

In order to make reasoned judgments and demonstrate a capacity for independent thinking, it is essential to be familiar with the law of the European Union. The law of the EU is a complex and ever-changing body of legislation that impacts every aspect of life in the EU. It is important to be able to read and interpret legislation accurately, in order to make informed judgments about how it applies in specific cases.

The law of the EU is also constantly evolving, as new legislation is passed and old legislation is amended or repealed. In order to stay up-to-date with current developments, it is necessary to frequently consult reliable sources of information on EU law. This includes not only official government websites but also reputable news sources and specialist blogs.

Demonstrate an ability to synthesize information provided during teaching, and through students own study and research activities

The law of the European Union is a complex document that covers a vast array of topics. It can be difficult to synthesize all of the information provided during a teaching session on this topic. However, one important concept that was covered is the principle of conferral. This principle states that the law of the EU will be interpreted in accordance with the principles of national law unless there is a clear indication to the contrary in the text of EU law. This means that when there is a conflict between EU law and national law, EU law will take precedence.

Another key concept that was discussed is the direct effect. This principle holds that individuals have certain rights under EU law which must be respected by member states. These rights are enforceable by an individual in order to protect their rights in the European Union. These rights include that freedom of movement, freedom of establishment, and freedom to provide services in any member state without discrimination.

Comprehend recent and key changes introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon that affect the way in which the European Institutions carry out their respective functions

The Treaty of Lisbon introduced a number of changes that affect the way in which the European Institutions carry out their respective functions. Principally, the Treaty aimed to simplify the institutional structure of the EU and make it more democratic and efficient.

Some of the key changes introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon include:

  • A stronger and more transparent institutional framework.
  • Introducing a new consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
  • A single legal personality of the Union
  • New powers for the European Parliament
  • A stronger and more robust European Economic and Social Committee
  • An obligation for the Commission and the European Parliament to establish a dialogue on the economic and social policies of the EU and national and regional governments and parliaments (co-ordination)
  • Strengthening of the role of the European Courts and abolition of the Court of First Instance and Court of Appeal

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Appreciate the historical context which led to the establishment of the European

The establishment of the European Union (EU) was a gradual process that unfolded over several centuries. The main purpose of the EU is to promote peace and prosperity among its member nations by creating a single market in which goods and services can be traded freely.

One of the key factors that led to the establishment of the EU was the Law of the European Union, which was enacted in 1992. This law guarantees certain rights to citizens living in EU member nations, including freedom of movement, freedom from discrimination, and protection from unfair treatment. The law also ensures that citizens are treated equally regardless of their nationality.

Communities in the 1950s and the emergence of the European Union in 1992

The Law of the European Union was first introduced in the Treaty of Paris in 1951, which founded the European Coal and Steel Community. The law has been updated and amended over time, most recently in 1992 with the Treaty on European Union.

The purpose of the law is to establish a common framework for the governance of Europe, promote peace and security, encourage economic integration, and protect fundamental rights. The law applies to all member states of the European Union and is binding on them.

European Union law is the body of European Union legislation that may be binding on the member states. The law is developed by both the Institutions of the European Union and the member states.

Identify the distinctive contribution of each of the European treaties since 1958 to the current European treaties and the establishment of the European Communities and Union

The treaties of Rome (1958), Maastricht (1992), Amsterdam (1997), and Nice (2001) each made a distinctive contribution to the current European treaties and the establishment of the European Community. -The treaty of Rome established the principle of free movement of goods, people, services, and capital between member states. It also set up common institutions like the European Commission and the Court of Justice.

  • The treaty of Maastricht created the single currency, the euro, and strengthened EU institutions like the European Parliament. It also introduced key concepts like subsidiarity and proportionality into EU law. -The treaty of Amsterdam extended free movement rights to workers and established rules on asylum and immigration. It also gave new powers to the European Parliament.
  • The treaty of Nice streamlined the size of the EU, consolidating member state governments, and adding voting rights for new members to the European Parliament. It also amended the voting system in the Council of Ministers to produce qualified majority voting.

Compare and contrast key principles of public international law and the unique European legal order

Public international law is the body of law that governs the relations between states. It is based on the principle of pacta sunt servanda, which means that treaties must be respected and honored. The unique European legal order is a set of principles and rules that govern the relations between the EU and its member states. It is based on the principle of primacy, which means that EU law takes precedence over national law. This ensures that all member states are subject to the same rules and regulations and that there is a level playing field for all businesses operating within the EU.

Due to the principle of primacy in EU law, member states cannot enact and enforce their own tariffs and tariffs, and trade barriers. Individual member states cannot prevent goods from entering their country, and they cannot restrict exports from other EU member states.

Public international law and the unique European legal order both center on the principle of the primacy of the state, but their primacy varies. EU law takes precedence over national law, and, although public international law does not all states to abide by the same rules and regulations, it does require that states treat other states equally and with respect.

Explain the contributions of each of the institutional players involved in the interinstitutional balance reflected in policy development and the legislative process

Each institutional player involved in the interinstitutional balance – executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government – makes contributions that reflect in policy development and the legislative process.

The executive branch develops proposals for new legislation and sends them to the legislature. The legislature debates and amends the proposals and then sends them back to the executive for approval or veto. If approved, the legislation goes to the judicial branch for interpretation.

Each branch makes important contributions that help ensure a balance between the institutions. The executive branch proposes legislation; the legislature debates it and amends it, and the judiciary interprets it. This process helps ensure that each branch has a say in policy development, which leads to better policy decisions.

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