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You must come up with a hypothetical research idea on any topic in geography that you would like to investigate: Geography Assignment, TCD, Ireland

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Subject Geography

You must come up with a hypothetical research idea on any topic in geography that you would like to investigate  Choose two of the theoretical approaches and their associated methodologies covered in the module, using them as lenses to analyze geographical and social problems.

Write an essay to explain and compare how this same research topic might be conceptualized and carried out differently when approached from each of these two different theoretical ‘lenses’.

You must discuss:

  1. How the different theories would inform the research;
  2. The potential advantages and limitations of each, and;
  3. Decide which methodology would be most appropriate to carry out your study and justify why. You are expected to draw from the module’s assigned readings, lecture materials, and at least
  4. Additional SCHOLARLY READINGS are not included in the module’s reading list.

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