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RDGY30120 Professional Completion UCD Assignment Sample Ireland

RDGY30120 Professional Completion is a course that prepares students for their final year of study in the Redditch degree program. It involves a research project and the completion of a professional portfolio. The course is taught by tutors who are experienced in research and professional practice. The focus of the course is on the development of independent research skills and the application of theoretical knowledge to real-world problems.

The first part of the course focuses on developing research skills, including literature review, data collection and analysis, and report writing. Students will also be introduced to different types of research methodologies, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach.

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The second part of the course focuses on the application of these skills to a real-world problem. Students will work in teams to investigate a problem, develop a solution, and present their findings to the class. The third part of the course focuses on the development of a professional portfolio. This will include a CV, cover letter, and samples of professional work.

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There are many types of assignments given to students like individual assignments, group-based assignments, reports, case studies, final year projects, skills demonstrations, learner records, and other solutions are given by us. We also provide Group Project Presentations for Irish students.

Some Tasks are described in this course. These are:

Assignment Task 1: Evaluate the role and responsibilities of the radiographer and the associated evidence-base for accurate, safe and legal practice within the profession.

The radiographer is responsible for carrying out diagnostic and therapeutic imaging examinations, as prescribed by a qualified practitioner. In order to undertake their role accurately, safely, and legally, radiographers must maintain up-to-date knowledge of both the scientific principles underlying their work and changes in technology and practice.

There is a great deal of evidence to support the effective use of radiography in diagnosis and treatment. For instance, studies have shown that early diagnosis of cancer through imaging can lead to improved survival rates. In addition, advances in imaging technology have made it possible to carry out ever more precise examinations – leading to better outcomes for patients.

As such, it is absolutely essential that radiographers maintain high standards of professional practice. In order to do this, they must keep abreast of new developments in both the scientific principles underlying their work and changes in technology and practice.

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Assignment Task 2: Evaluate the benefits of an imaging procedure relative to the patient presentation and diagnostic inquiry.

Imaging procedures have a number of benefits relative to patient presentation and diagnostic inquiry. Chief among these benefits is the ability of imaging procedures to provide a view of the interior of the body that is not possible through other means. This allows for the detection and diagnosis of a wide range of medical conditions in a non-invasive manner.

Imaging procedures are also relatively safe and can be performed with little discomfort to patients. Additionally, they are often able to provide results relatively quickly, which can be important in cases where time is of the essence. Finally, imaging procedures can be repeated as needed, which allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of a patient’s condition.

Assignment Task 3: Discuss the application of governance systems appropriate for all aspects of imaging in terms of achieving optimum image quality with minimum exposure of the patient to ionizing radiation.Ireland

There are a number of governance systems in place to ensure that imaging procedures are carried out safely and effectively. These systems help to ensure that images are of the highest quality possible while minimizing exposure to ionizing radiation.

One of the primary governing bodies for imaging in Ireland is the Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy (IIRRT). The IIRRT is responsible for setting and maintaining standards for radiographic practice in Ireland. They offer a range of resources to members, including guidance on best practices, education and training, and professional development.

The IIRRT also works closely with the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) to ensure that imaging procedures are carried out in a safe manner. The HSA is responsible for ensuring that all workplaces, including those where imaging is carried out, meet health and safety standards. They offer a range of resources on their website, including guidance on radiation protection.

In addition to the IIRRT and the HSA, there are a number of other organizations that play a role in governing imaging in Ireland. These include the Department of Health, the National Radiological Protection Board, and the Irish Medical Council. Each of these organizations has a specific focus and offers guidance on different aspects of imaging.

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Assignment Task 4: Describe and evaluate all radiographic techniques pertinent to graduate-level imaging.

Radiographic techniques are used in medical imaging to visualize the internal structure of the body for diagnostics. The most common radiographic techniques use X-rays, which pass through the body and are captured by a detector on the other side.

There are a variety of radiographic techniques that can be used depending on the part of the body being imaged and the type of information needed. Some common radiographic techniques include:

  • Plain X-rays – Used to image bones and other dense tissues.
  • Contrast studies – Used to improve the contrast between different tissues types, such as in gastrointestinal imaging.
  • Computed tomography (CT) – Uses a series of X-rays taken from many different angles to create a 3D image of the body.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – Uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the body.

Radiographic techniques are generally safe but do carry a small risk of exposure to ionizing radiation. The amount of radiation exposure from a radiographic procedure is typically very low, and the risk is further reduced by the use of protective measures such as lead aprons.

Assignment Task 5: Evaluate and reflect upon suitable operational protocols for radiographers to work within and work towards advanced practice.

There are a number of operational protocols that radiographers can work within and towards advanced practice. Firstly, it is important for radiographers to maintain accurate records of all examinations conducted. These records should be kept up-to-date and easily accessible so that they can be referred to if any queries or concerns arise.

Secondly, radiographers should always follow the Lettie guidelines and protocols set out by their governing body or employer. This ensures that they are working safely and effectively, and protects both themselves and their patients. Finally, it is also important for radiographers to keep up-to-date with new developments in their field so that they can best utilize new technologies and techniques to improve patient care. By following these operational protocols, radiographers can work towards advanced practice and provide the highest quality of care to their patients.

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Assignment Task 6: Reflect upon the role of the radiographer in a legal context and the professional duties and accountabilities of a graduate radiographer.

A graduate radiographer has a number of professional duties and accountabilities, which can broadly be categorized into four key areas: patient care, health, and safety, equipment, and imaging.

With respect to patient care, it is essential that all radiographers take into account the needs of the individual patient when planning and delivering treatment. This includes ensuring that images are of an appropriate quality and that radiation exposure is kept to a minimum.

Health and safety is another key responsibility, with radiographers having a duty to ensure that working practices are safe for both patients and staff. Equipment maintenance is another critical area, as faults with imaging equipment can have serious consequences. Finally, graduate radiographers must also be knowledgeable about the principles of imaging interpretation in order to provide an accurate diagnosis.

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