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You have been asked to advise someone who is considering establishing a ‘drop-in’ childcare facility for a weekend: Childhood Social Legal and Health Studies Assignment, OU, Ireland

University The Open University (OU)
Subject Childhood Social Legal and Health Studies

Assessment Notes

You have been asked to advise someone who is considering establishing a ‘drop-in’ childcare facility for a weekend outdoor music event. Consider all topics covered in Unit 1 and Unit 2, and complete tasks 1-6.


Outline a range of factors that influence children’s health and wellbeing.


Describe the childcare sector in Ireland and the types of childcare operations available (minimum three types, one to be a drop-in facility). Describe the Rights of the Child and relevant legislation/guidelines which impact on the childcare sector.


Describe a minimum of 3 current government initiatives and explain how they affect childcare facilities.


Identify and discuss the implications of legislation/policy for childcare in Ireland under the following headings: (1) Early Years Education, (2) Child Protection, and (3) Equality.


From your research, identify the key legal issues and [10 guidelines that need to be considered for setting up marks ‘drop-in’ childcare facility.


Develop a set of recommendations (Minimum 5) concerning Health and Safety for the ‘drop-in’ facility.


This task covers the area of Child Protection and uses a case study. You have become concerned about the protection and welfare of a child who attends your childcare establishment. Read the attached fictional Case Study.

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