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You are required to read a story to a group of children between the ages of 0-6 years in your setting: Early Childhood Education & Play QQI Level 5 Assignment, OU, Ireland

University The Open University (OU)
Subject Early Childhood Education & Play

Early Childhood Education and Play

Skills Demonstration Guidelines

You are required to read a story to a group of children between the ages of 0-6 years in your setting.  A teaching aid/resource will need to be provided to assist in the activity.  You will provide audio or audio-visual evidence of the storytelling session along with your written work as outlined below.

You should show your understanding of links to Siolta, Aistear, and ChildCare(pre-school service) regulations (1996, 1997 & 2006).

Appendices should be included where appropriate. Include your resource if possible or evidence of this resource being used.

References and Bibliography to be included using the Harvard Method

Include the following:

Title page – this should include the title of module and assignment, your name, your class, teacher’s name, due date, confirmation that this is all your own original work with your signature and submission date.

Contents page – this should include the different sections of your work with corresponding page numbers.

Section 1 – Logical rationale

Title of the story

Aim of the storytelling activity

Rationale – the reason for doing the storytelling activity, the reason for choosing your particular storybook, etc. You should also include the reason for choosing the particular technique you have chosen.

Planning and preparation needed: consultation with supervisor including suggestions, ages and number of children in the group, length of time required for the activity, health and safety issues to consider, materials/resources needed, permission, preparation of children, equal opportunities etc.

Discuss the benefits of storytelling to children’s development.

Links to Siolta/Aistear/Child Care (pre-school service) regulations

Section 2 – Effective performance – including evidence of performance

Audio/Audio-visual evidence must be submitted.  Consider  the following when reading the story(ability to hold the attention of the children during the story, interactions with the children, successful use of voice, body language, organization of the children, teamwork, and appropriate use of aids/resources)

Photo of student reading the story to the children

A photocopy of the cover of the book

Evidence of resources used e.g. puppets, soft toys, pictures, displays, teaching aids, etc.

Section 3 – Comprehensive Evaluation

The technique and aids/resources used

discuss the following:

  • Suitability of the storytelling session for this group?
  • Teaching aid and resources used for the storytelling activity?
  • Equality of opportunity?
  • The technique used?

The potential value of the story/activity for the group of children Discuss the following:

  • Was the storytelling session developmentally appropriate for the chosen group? Did the storytelling session promote development – explain?
  • Did the children get involved in the storytelling?
  • Was it enjoyable for the children?
  • Did the children remain interested throughout the story?
  • Links to Siolta/ Aistear/Child care (pre-school service) regulations?

The candidate’s personal role in the performance

Discuss the following:

  • Planning of storytelling?
  • Clear use of tone and pace of voice?
  • Use of eye contact?
  • Non-verbal communication – facial expressions, body language etc.?
  • Your enthusiasm for the storytelling activity?
  • Discuss your management of the session?
  • Discuss your role in the task?
  • What were your strengths/weaknesses?
  • Links to Siolta/Aistear/Child care (pre-school service) regulations?

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