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Identify your strengths in the above skills. How do you hope to achieve/develop the above skills: Work experience Other, TCD, Ireland

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Subject Work experience Other

Personal Skills — Timekeeping, organization, etc. 

Identify your strengths in the above skills. How do you hope to achieve/develop the above skills?
Outline the importance of meeting deadlines.

Interpersonal SkK — between 2 or more people

identify your strengths in the above skills. How do you hope to achieve/develop the above skills?
interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and interact with other people,
Both individually and in groups).

Practical Skills — Washing, dressing, assisting with eating, etc.

  1. Identify your strengths in the above skills. How do you hope to achieve/develop the above skills?
    outline the importance of ha Mg patient care skills.

Technical Skills – computes hoist, electronic bed, etc.
1. Identify your strengths in the abo veiskills. How do you hope to achieve/develop the above skills?
Hine the importance of having technological skills.

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