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Develop an initial plan – detail how step by step you will come up with a solution to what you are assessing.: Manual Handling Risk Schedule Assignment, NUI, Ireland

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Manual Handling Risk Schedule

Observe and describe

Identify the manual handling task that needs to be assessed – be specific in naming the task you are assessing.

Detail consultation with workers and safety reps- note the feedback that your staff have told you.  Talking with them allows you to identify issues you may not have been aware of.

Develop an initial plan – detail how step by step you will come up with a solution to what you are assessing.  Do not include the solution in this section. This is only the planning stage not the solution.  For example, “on Monday I will talk with staff to discuss the task, on Tuesday I will do some research on what other companies are doing etc.”

Detail how task is performed – describe how the task is being done at present so you can identify the concerning issues.

  1. Collect data

Give load weights, measurements, dimensions of load, number of manual lifts etc – detail is important.

Show photographs of the present situation – if you cannot photograph in your workplace use photos from the internet.

Why is it being done – legal requirements, you need to refer to the specific legal requirements that relate to the task you are looking at, from a manual handling point of view. For example, you may refer to the 2007 guidelines on weights that can be lifted.

  1. Identify risk factors

List risk factors – these are manual handling risks like twisting of the trunk, the load is bulky and unwieldy etc.

Detail and describe the damage (potential injuries) that these risks could cause.

Show other factors to be considered (people with previous injuries, pregnancy, fitness level of employees etc)

  1. Solution development – plan of action

Detail solution (be very clear)

Time, dates, people responsible – detail who is responsible for the implementation of the new system of work.

Photos of solution – again these can be from the internet if not possible to photograph in your workplace.

Control measures – detail the control measures you will put in place to ensure that people will stick with the new system.

  1. Review of effectiveness of control measures

Detail of when and how often you will review the new system of work.

Who will take responsibility for this?

Detail of how you will ensure supervision of this new practice.

List evidence of research you have done to prove your argument.  This is just to be shown at the end of your assignment not throughout it. You do not need to do referencing but you do need to show where you got your information and what websites/resources you looked at (Provide website/research url as evidence). It needs to go beyond the 2005 Act and 2007 Regulations and your course notes. Useful link for further documents –

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