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MNU11007: Emma is a 27-year-old who identifies as female. She is 38 weeks pregnant with her second baby. She has a 4-year-old boy: Introduction to Midwifery 2 Essay, TCD, Ireland

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Subject MNU11007: Introduction to Midwifery 2

Emma is a 27-year-old who identifies as female. She is 38 weeks pregnant with her second baby. She has a 4-year-old boy. She currently lives with her partner at home. Emma has been working from home throughout the pandemic. Emma’s husband is a frontline worker and works shift work. She feels supported by her partner however Emma stated she is anxious that she will have no family support including her mother at home because of Covid restrictions. She is also anxious that her partner will not be with her during labor because of hospital visiting restrictions.

Emma is very anxious that she will be alone during birth as her previous birth had been an emergency cesarean section following a “failed induction of labor”. Emma feels like she was not given all the information and reasons she needed for being induced with her first pregnancy she said she felt rushed in her decision-making. Emma spoke at length about her previous birth and feels the whole experience was emotionally and physically traumatic. Emma was visibly emotional discussing her previous birth and disclosed that she had considered not having any more children because of her experience.

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She stated that she didn’t bond with her son and had no confidence in herself as a parent for months after. Emma did seek mental health support from her GP. Emma would like to avoid induction this time around and is hoping to have a VBAC 1 so she has attended a private antenatal class outside of the hospital including hypnobirthing classes. Emma feels that the classes have really helped her understand the process of birth but she states she is still afraid that the same thing may happen again.

Emma also discussed with me that she suffered from postpartum depression following her previous birth and is nervous that it may happen again. She stated that during some of her previous antenatal appointments, some doctors have been dismissive of her VBAC request, and she doesn’t feel very supported in her wish for a VBAC. Emma has a birth plan which includes the request for no intervention and midwife-led care if possible. We arrange to meet at her next appointment as attending the birth is not an option with covid restrictions.

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